Natives nursery based in Coarsegold Village, part of the Rooted Co-op. run by Maureen + Moira Chase.

‘Dancing Tassels’ Chaparral Currant
‘Summerwine’ Yarrow
Western Columbine
Purple Coneflower
Catalina CA Fuchsia
Coyote Mint
Winnifred Gilman
Dark Blue Sage

Sierra Bush Monkeyflower
Deer Grass
Autumn Sage

‘Dancing Tassels’ Chaparral Currant
‘Summerwine’ Yarrow
Western Columbine
Purple Coneflower
Catalina CA Fuchsia
Coyote Mint
Winnifred Gilman
Dark Blue Sage

Sierra Bush Monkeyflower
Deer Grass
Autumn Sage

e are a mother-daughter duo who are super passionate about sustainable garden and landscape design. With two lifetimes of gardening between us, we can’t wait to help you get growing. With our four-seasons, dry summers, and microclimates, gardening in the foothills is a rewarding challenge, and the trick is to have the right plant for the right place. That’s where we come in...


‘Dancing Tassels’
Chaprerral Currant

Horticultural selection from Ribes malvaceum var. malvaceum. ‘Dancing Tassels’ is a beautiful summer deciduous shrub for shady areas. Growing to 6 feet tall, this vase shaped shrub has soft green lobed leaves and peeling red-brown bark. The small, pinkish white flowers are jammed together on pendulous, chandelier-like 4 inch clusters. Dancing Tassels was selected for use in the garden by the Rancho santa Ana Botanical Garden because it sports the longest flower clusters of the species.

Plant in filtered shade. It is not finicky about soil type, but it needs good drainage. Grows best in sandy, coarse-grained or other fast draining soil. Selected for the garden on san Clemente Island by Bart O' Brien and Tom Hayduk of Rancho santa Ana Botanic Garden. 

photos by Susan Frommer via PlantMaster

information thanks to Moosa Creek Nursery and the Theodore Payne Foundation via
